Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving and really random pictures!:)

                                           This was thanksgiving night, dinner was ready!
 Ryker and his "bird" thanksgiving, my kids don't eat normal food, now if it was a burrito or chicken nuggets, they would love that holiday!
                                       I love some sparkling cider! I had a big day, excuse the hair!
                         My sweet grandma, she is 96, this is the day we moved to our new home....we really miss seeing her weekly!
                              This was up in Idaho at a wedding in August....they are getting so big.
                                                         Miss Hailey....she is beautiful:)
                                                   Ryker is becoming quite the gentleman!
                                                             I love hugs from my kids....
                                                                 I love them too much:)
                                         this is up in Brigham City for the temple open house.
                      I love this photo of Hailey. She is so big, and loves to get her picture taken.
                                  Ryker wanted to mess up every photo of him and Hailey....sad:(
                                                   Hailey and I at Lagoon in September.
                                   One night while supposed to be brushing teethe......these
                                                                  photos happened:)
This was taken when we were packing our old home, I am so lucky to share my life with these two everyday....I know it sounds cheesey but it is true....oh, so true!

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