Thursday, November 8, 2012


This week I took Ryker to the doctor, his cough just wasn't going away, and it sounded as if it was getting lower. It was Bronchitis again, with a side of pink eye! He quickly got put on an antibiotic, he is eating now, sleeping, and chasing his sister around again.

I can't begin to say how much modern medicine has changed my life, and has kept my son alive. I am so grateful for smart doctors, and non-penicillion (spelling) meds that can get my little guy healthy again. Not only has medicine been a big help in Rykers life, Hailey had strep last week, and one dose of medicine and she was back to her normal self, and back to school in no time.

I love that they can be healed, and I love that they are currently asleep, resting well. Like kids should.

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