Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ryker is 5!!!!

Today is Rykers birthday, this little man is five! He woke up and states "I am five today and I will be five tomorrow!" He is so excited to be makes me sad that my "baby" is five. We took him to volleyball to play with his friends, even though I didn't play. (another blog at another time...)
We then went to Wendys to get lunch, his choice, he wanted a kids meal, and a frosty! We made his treats for his preschool, he wanted brownies and a candy bar, in a bag, with a green twist tie.
He has been on cloud nine, this year for his birthday all he wanted was a "gentlemen" outfit. He and I went shopping and we got him a suit, and a vest outfit, and a bow tie.....I could die, it is soooo cute. (We also could not leave without getting Hailey a beautiful dress as well.)
He and Hailey danced while in their outfits, and I had to leave the room, I was tearing up! They are getting too big, just too big.
Sooooo.....tonight we are going cowboy bowling. He wanted to go, this is all he wanted to do. Bowling and Pizza, we invited his great friend to come with us. He is going to be so surprised when he comes to our home, and hangs out with us all night.
I will post pictures later of the day....this should be fun.
WE ALL LOVE OUR RYKER!!! Happy Birthday buddy.
5 things that I love about you:
You cuddle with me.
You hug me and kiss me on the cheek and say "I love you into the sun".
You are so funny and make me laugh all of the time.
You remind me everynight to say "what do you do if you need help?" and then you yell, MOMMY!!!
You are so loving, kind, fun, all boy, hilarious, and you make friends so easily!

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