We had a great, relaxed holiday! On Christmas Eve we headed up to my parents ward, birght and early, and had breakfast with Santa....it was great to see everyone, but we really missed Grandma and Grandpa Fronk.
We then went to see my Grandma Pete, she is so amazing, and such a happy, fun grandma. I am so glad that my kids have a chance to love her and get to know her.
Then, we went to my parents home, we exchanged gifts and ate lunch with them. Ryker and Hailey got their Christmas jammies, they were so thrilled. We then relaxed and the kids got to play the Wii, they love to play the games, we don't have one so they love this special treat.
We then got on the road for home. It was starting to snow and we didn't want the roads to be soooo bad. We pulled into our next party just in time. We had a party at our sister in laws, we had soups, cider, and grilled cheese, it was such a nice party. We then decorated ginger bread houses, the kids had such a great time.
We then came home, and we were all so ready for Santa to come, so of course we had to go to bed. Our kids were awesome, and we all slept so well.
On Christmas day, Ryker woke up first and Hailey second, we hear I wonder if Santa came, should we go check? They were so great and came to our room and asked nice, if it was okay if we could go and see what Santa had left.
They had the best morning, they got american girl and boy dolls, a double stroller for them, and a bed, a captain america shield, bike locks, light saber, nerf guns and extra darts, clothes, car ramps, and more, Santa went over board this year.....but it was nice to see their faces!!!!
We then exercised and got showered and ready for the day.....well, for naps and relaxing. We had a special Skype visitor, my sister Jodie, who is on a mission! It was the best to see her and talk with her. We had multiple computers and homes all skyping at once.....Mike found out that we could all link in, and it was such a fun treat! It was really nice to see her and tell her that we love her, and it was great to hear amazing stories, and feel her testimony!!!! She is so great, it was the best present to talk to her.
That night I got so sick, I mean really sick! I was up all night in and out of the bathroom. I asked Mike to stay home and watch the kids, and he did, thanks so much. It turned out that I really needed him home, I didn't move all day unless it was to the bathroom. I slept ALL DAY long, I have NEVER done this......I felt so much better the next day.
Well, that night Hailey started not feeling well. I thought she had what I had. Nope, hers lasted longer and was not going anywhere....I took her to the doctor on Saturday, and she has strep again....poor thing. I felt so bad.
Ryker and Mike have been the tough boys around here, as they are not sick....knock on a lot of wood.....
Soooo, needless to say, it was a great break, but really we ended up not doing much, or what I wanted to do.....we just got them better. We read and rested and watched tv.....I needed a break too.
Yesterday we ventured out and got new clothes, coat for me, and a new dishwasher!!!....you heard right, we are getting it today!!! I am so thrilled. We then came home and we cleaned up the garage and fixed some things around our outside of our home. We then went to return some things and headed over to Mikes parents home, we sat and visited for a while, and then we came home and watched football together and ate dinner and got ready for bed. We then CLEANED the house, and played LIFE as a family.....we have little board gamers on our hands, they loved it.
It was so nice to wake up to a clean home, and as it was, Ryker slept in today, on the LAST day of break....typical.
Tomorrow is the day that routine comes back into our life, and Hailey returns to school. I am sad, but happy too. Hailey loves school, friends, boys, and her teacher. I have missed the stories she tells us when she comes home. I still have a couple of days with Ryker before he goes back.
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