Friday, October 19, 2012

costume of the week.

 Just hangin out with my "ninja mutan turtle".....
 He has the moves down!
 Action shot!:)
 "Costumes, they get hot mom!"
on a super side note, I just wanted to add:
I hope they always walk by each other and watch out for each other!!! I just hope they will remember that they are so close, and that they can always be there for one another.
On this hike, they were telling me, "mom, you are lonely during the day without us, you need to have another baby....just sayin" Then Ryker said, "ya, like 12 or 13 of them."

"It's not where you go or what you do, it's who beside you that counts."
                                                    Hopefully we can live by this quote.

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