Ryker, Hailey and Mike are key players in my pit crew. They are so great at encouraging me when I need it, they are always asking me when and how far I am going to run. They give me the best hugs and kisses on my way out the door on long runs, and make sure I have my phone, bagel, and water, and "lippy" (chap stick). They are on best behavior when Mike is "watching" them, while Mommy is out, and they even let me shower when I get home!!! That is always a plus, running clothes get wet, and then it gets cold wet, when you stop moving. That might be too much information, but it is really nice to take them off and put on regular warm clothes after a shower.
I just wanted to say thank you to them, we are getting geared up, 10 miles on Friday!!! Can't wait. It is sooo satisfying to look at how far you run, and know that you did that. It makes you think, hey, I can do anything!!! I will let you know updates, but really, maybe no one is interested in running....I don't know. Doesn't this apply to life though as well?
Dr. Berry says:
"If I can do the hard things I choose, it makes me believe I can do the hard things I don't choose."
Or something like that, but you get the picture.
Something NEW for 2010!!! YES, we cut Rykers' hair!!!
Just one question:
Have you laughed today? I have many times!!!!

This is a great post! I really like the quote by Dr. Berry. By the way, who is Dr. Berry? I may need to use that quote when I run my half marathon.
Your kids are super cute! Keep the pictures coming!
Dr. Berry is our family doctor, and he is doing the Iron Man in St. George!
He is such a great inspiration to all that goes to him. He has been part of so many races. He pairs up with one of the counselors in my stake presidency (Dr. Vogel) that is a dentist, and they do a triathlon for Share a Smile foundation. Dr. Vogel also runs, he actually is going to be running the same marathon as me.
It is so neat to know people like this and they give so much back, to patients and to the community.
I am glad that you have such a good support team at home. I can't believe that you run so far. That's crazy, but good. Enjoy your 10 mile run! Miss ya!
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