We have done so much, and yet it doesn't feel like it. We have all had a cold, and mine and Rykers was not going away. So I took the kids to the doctor and had me and Boba (Ryker) checked out. We both had "gunk" that was not leaving us. So, we both got fun medicine to take, and hopefully get over this stuff. Ryker got on a breathing treatment again, I hope we are over this soon.
We also made valentine cookies, and took them EVERYWHERE!!! Hailey had two valentine parties, one of which Ryker and I went. Holidays are so much fun with kids. Ryker has dressed himself lately, he was wearing his swimsuit over his pants, and had goggles on, the safety ones that come with the cute real looking tools....bright orange....yep, he belongs to me. All weekend long, even to church. I remember the advice pick your battles?

We also tried to get all the valentines done, and we did it, they are all done, and given to the right person, hopefully.
Yesterday I ran 12 miles, my doctor said because of my sinus infection, I should run inside....so I did it all on the treadmill.....yes you read right...on the treadmill. I was focused, I ran 6 miles, took a break to stretch, eat a power bar...(I am experimenting on what I like to eat, power bars not my favorite, I like the gummy gels the best), I took a long drink, and went to the bathroom, for those of you who run, you know why!
Then I started again, 7 miles came, and Hailey was running around the house "I'm going to get your gina",what? did I hear that right? well, Mike was laughing, so I stopped for a minute to put her in time out and explain why we don't say that kind of stuff(wow)...fixed my shoe(it was rubbing on my middle foot) put Vaseline on it and got back on.
I never slowed down, I paced myself at a 9.30 mile, and at the end I was running a 9.15, to finish it off. I was soooooo proud of myself. I have told myself in the past that when I get up around 7 or 8 miles, I tend to add 30 seconds, well, I cannot tell myself that anymore, this time I took away 30 seconds. I ran 12 miles in 117 minutes, and finished 12.25 in 120 minutes. (That is a little under 2 hours!!!!) I know this is nuts, but I am so proud of this. I can't wait to run outside again, and see how far it actually is.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone, hope it was magical!!!
1 comment:
sooooooooooo cute
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