Tuesday, August 27, 2013

kindergarten has begun!!!!:/

Ryker has sure been ready to go to school himself, and loves to greet Hailey.

The hug!:)

 Ryker was sooooo ready to start school today. He looked and acted the part quite well.
He was like "the sun is in my eyes mom!"
                            After this picture, he told me, I might run in to class, okay mom.
 Here he is sitting at his desk, all ready for the morning. He forgot to hug me, I had to ask for one!
He was all done with school, which he LOVED!!!!

                              Walking him in to class, how bittersweet......I had to fight the tears.

                         He was all smiles, he had to tell me everything, and I loved to hear it.
Here is Hailey, we were watching a you tube motivational exercise video, and this was the face of shock!

This is the result of the video.......he was trying to do cool tricks with the laundry basket.
This was his attempt of a pull up......we were trying to do pistol squats all day.....wow, amazing.

They are just growing up so fast.
After I dropped them both off, tear, I went and helped Haileys teacher get settled. I made the folders for homework, wrote down homework stuff, and just filed certain things.....thank goodness I did not have to leave the school.
I need to work into this new routine, baby steps. I hope other moms and dads have these feelings, and that I am not the only one.
I am hopeful that my kids got the best teachers, and I do trust them, and am so very grateful for them. They truly are an answer to sooooo many prayers.
Next up:
SOCCER POSTS. We are in the season now, the crazy soccer practice, and games season, but they love it, and they are so worn out from exercising so much, I think it is great to see them in action.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First day of school, and kindergarten assessment day!:)

 Hailey was more than ready for school this morning. She went to bed at eight, after laying for an hour she fell asleep. She woke up at two, three, four, and finally at six. She was all ready, and they rode bikes and I ran behind with her book bag on my back! She says her clock is super slow, and that she was ready for the awesomeness to start!
 Walking home with my little guy, he was so thrilled to have done so well on the kindergarten assessment. I cannot even believe they are this age already. Who ever said that days are long and the years are short was so right.
            Our zinnias have done sooooo well this year. This yard view makes me smile so much.
                                         The colors are amazing, and I love how tall they get.
                                                It almost hits the house, some are super close.
 another view of them, cannot get enough of them, I may have packed them in too tight, but they are so pretty, I couldn't help it.
pictures I found on the camera. Hailey sure knows her way around the computer. She sure loves the violin player on the Mormon channel.
                                       they were having a party for their stuffed animals.
 It's hard to catch this boy in a picture these days. He is always on the move.
                                             Hailey and tattoo baby. This baby is so loved.
                    my attempt of having them both in a picture before taking her to school.

While I am sad that they are both growing up, and they won't be around me all of the time. I am so proud of both of them. They are both so great. They are kind, loving, and so caring. I could not ask for better kids. I am so proud of what they have become.
This makes me think of the card I received when Ryker was brand new, I got it in the mail from Grammy Robin, it says, under newborn feet, Imagine where they will go. I did imagine, and now I can't believe it is happening.
We did it, and now we are doing a new chapter, I am sure we will look back and think, wow, We did that too!

Monday, August 5, 2013

conversations with Ryker

I was on the phone today with his school. We were setting up kindergarten assessments. He came in, asked what that was. I explained to him that it was a time where he could tell the teacher his letter sounds, and read, and write and spell his name. I tested him, he knew all the letter sounds, and he reads sight words. I then said spell your name. He said it starts with an H, but I don't know how to spell it. I said, what? That is Hailey's name, silly guy. He said no, that is H for Harry Potter, and I don't know how to spell that name! This shocked me, I laughed soooo hard!

I assure you, he now knows that he can not go by a different name at school, and he does know his name, and he can spell it and write it!!!

He also knows that he is hilarious.......this could be a struggle.

We are getting ready for a few last summer things, and then it will be getting kids ready for school, and missing them. I even might miss the fighting,..maybe.