Friday, November 6, 2009

We are back, and going strong!

These last couple of weeks have been CRAZY, and soooo hard on my mental, emotional, and physical state (s).
October 13: hailey threw up 9 times. (2 in her bed)
October 14: everyone not feeling good, no more throw ups, but fevers, chills, coughs, you name it. We went to the doctor, yes we were the ones in the waiting room, with the MASK. They were out of Tamiflu, down here, so they didn't check us for the swine, we were told had the flu, and to stay in until we feel better.
October 15: Ryker starts throwing up. (in his bed)
October 16: I crawled everywhere, BAD, body aches. No throw ups.
October 17: Ryker threw up, but we are all feeling a little better, and we are able to eat a little.
October 18: Ryker took a turn for the worse, instacare here we come, we thought he had pnemonia, he has Type A flu, we got the kids Tamiflu this time.
October 19: We are all doing a little bit better, and we are looking up, fevers even broke. Ryker threw up tonight, late, in his bed.
October 20: Meals were brought in and Mike returns to work. A hard day, but we are all feeling better.
October 21-24: We all got a little better, and then Mike got worse again. We took him to the instacare on the 25, and he had pnemonia. He got on Doxycycline, and that seemed to work great.
Well, on October 29, back to the doctor, this time for Ryker, his cough was bad, and causing him to really have to work at breathing, and with the whole sleep apnea thing going on, I didn't want to mess around. He got on breathing treatments, and they seemed to work great along with azithramycin.
We are all doing better, and swine free. I have even began to exercise again. I was so depressed, no exercise, TONS of laundry (26 loads), and sleeping or not sleeping on the kids floor, just waiting to catch throw up.
I am so glad that we are better, and that we are all breathing.
I hope all of you are doing well, and swine free. That is the worst thing that I have ever been through, oh, the body aches.


Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Oh my gosh you should have called me to help you! I'm so sorry I heard it's the worst glad to hear your feeling better though!!


Jessica, I'm so sorry you and your family have been sick. I had no idea. I'm glad to hear you are starting to get better, I feel bad you had to go through that. Call me if you need anything! I miss running with you, we need to go again together soon so we can catch up and maybe we can talk Annie and Heidi into going with us!

Robin said...

Oh My Jess, so not fun. So sorry for you guys but glad you're all feeling better now. Wish I was closer to help..Love you guys..Grammy

Maosi Fam said...

So happy you guys are doing better! Havnt talked to you in a couple weeks so look for a call/txt within the next few days. I have been sick for 2 weeks as well so I know how you fun! And to top it off, dealing with a nor-easter...pretty much meaning a hurricane the past 3 days, so the bad weather and cold is not helping:( miss talkin to ya, we will catch up soon!!!:)