So this weekend has been hard for me, in TWO ways. First of all, I stopped "feeding" Ryker. I know what you all are old is he? To answer your question he is 13 1/2 months. I "fed" Hailey until she was this old also. Mike has told me the Ryker has been "recreational eating" for awhile now, but I have had a hard time because he is my last baby. So....bring on the soreness for a week, and FINALLY I can wear a tight sports bra, so that I don't worry about losing my milk!!!
Hailey is now a SUNBEAM! I know this is all normal and Hailey NEEDS to grow up, but last Sunday when I dropped her off and picked her up from her LAST nursery class, it was soooo sad. Hailey turned to me on the way out to the car, "don't be sad mom, I'm happy." I have had the hardest time with this.....She has had many people call and ask me if she can come over and play with them, and I tell their parents NO, because I have a hard time dropping her off, and WONDERING the whole time she is gone, if.."If she is okay," "If she is crying," "If she is sharing, or if her friends are sharing," "If she needs to go potty and feels comfortable going at the house," the list goes on and on, believe me it does, and I don't know if this is normal. I feel so bad, I know she needs this social part of her life, but how do I get passed it?
Here are some updates:
Ryker is now pushing everything we own out of his way, he is WALKING WITH everything. It is sooo funny. He says, "ot,oh" and "mo" meaning more, and for those of you who remember Haileys' little water noise, yes Ryker does that as well, so funny. We are working with him doing the stairs, and practicing "feet first", he is doing really well. Hailey is doing great with letters, she now knows the upper and lower case letters, still getting b and d confused, but really who can blame her? She is doing sooo well with numbers too. We read letters all of the time, and now have started sounding out letters together. She knows t, p, k, n, b, r,w,m,h,e,g,l,o,s,y,and we will be working on others soon. He and Hailey are really doing better, they are not coughing anymore and they are sleeping great.
They play with each other now, and that is soooo nice. It has been a hard year, of teaching Hailey to play nice with him, and teaching ME how to be patient, and kind towards them ALL of the time. They really get along great now, and I think the stars are aligned for at least this moment in time.
So off to meet the SUNBEAM teacher, I know waaaaaaa JESS, get over it, Hailey is.
They do grow up soooo fast! I am sad we didn't get to see you and your kids when you were in town. Sounds like they ended up with croup anyway! Bummer! Any news on the job? Hope all is going well!
wow i cannot believe Hailey is a sunbeam now! that is just sooo crazy...i remeber going to the hospital and holding her the day she was born and bringing dinner to you guys like 2 days after you got home...time goes by so fast! how fun for Ryker...getting all big and pushing everything around! im sure the whole "letting hailey go play at poeples houses" will get easier as she gets older and starts doing other independant things like going to school and what not! keep posting i love reading your updates! ill call ya soon...havnt talked to you in like a month..we have stuff to catch up on=]
miss ya and love ya guys!
Hey Jess! looks like you have a bunch of changes going on in your family! I hope it becomes easier with time, hopefully it will. =] My family has been good Jenny is actually leaving to Utah today for 12 not sure exactly where though. My mom and dad are doing good...hanging in there lol
Hey Jess... have you met my husband Ryan? You two should talk sometime:) I felt like I was having a conversation with him just now (besides the nursing thing of course) Porter just spent the night at Jacks house(Todd and Deb) for the first time last week. I AM SURE Porter got more sleep that night than Ryan did. You two crack me up!
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