Sunday, January 29, 2012

should have knocked...

on virtual wood.
Well, after I wrote this, my dear Hailey started not feeling well. She didn't even want to eat her favorite Roast Beef sandwich, from Arby's.
I thought this would happen when I was writing. She didn't throw up until this morning, and even then she only threw up once. She hates to throw up, so she closes her eyes and breathes deep. We cuddled all day, as we drifted in and out of watching tv and Ryker ride his hopper, pretending he was the Best Bull rider EVER.
She is feeling better tonight, but still not 100%, hopefully this is over.....
I feel a dun, dun, dun, coming on......

Hopefully, it's a done, done, done.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Too much for paragraphs

Ryker had pneumonia and had to go to the hospital for a "sleep over" ( well him and I). He had a 105.3 fever, I didn't know that was even possible.
It all started with a cold...he came home after one night of observation and not a lot of sleep, at his sleep over.
with IV holes
oxygen- "oxy-dog"
breathing treatments
and three antibiotics
and a pro biotic
he had to get breathing treatments around the clock, so that was on me, mommy nurse duties. I was too worried about him. He really scared us this time.
I keep thinking that I will know how to handle things when they come, and I just kind of float thru them, not realizing what is happening. I know how to work oxygen now, I guess I can mark that off.
I had to miss the kindergarten field trip, it was a sad day. No one felt comfortable in watching Ryker and oxy-dog and I had to explain to Hailey that I really wanted to go, but I just can't. Instead me and Ryker cuddled, not only on that morning, but for a whole week and a half, just cuddling, no running, cleaning, preparing big lovely meals, nada, just reading with Hailey and cuddling.
He is better, and dressing up as soldiers, army anything, and his imagination is going wild. I really missed him, and I am so glad that we ended up taking him to the doctor that night. Believe it or not, I tried cancelling the appointment three different times, and just gave up because I couldn't get through, a sign people a sign.
I prayed for an answer that morning on my long run, "let me know what to do with Ryk, and if we need to take him to the doctor."
He answers. He really answers.
I am so grateful for that, and the spirit, that brings such peace. I am grateful for the priesthood blessing that Mike and my dad gave him. I am grateful for two healthy and happy and very wild little kids. They bring me such happiness, I don't know what life would be like without them, and I don't want to find out.

Highlights this month:
mike turned 33
mike has started his own insurance business, which includes a lot of states, and many different companies, let us know if you want a quote, he saves people all kinds of crazy money.
Ryker is better
Hailey is full on reading and excelling in her class
Hailey has a lot of crushes
we made valentines and she may have told me to put on one I am your cutie pie, and on another one I dig you
i may have done it
i ran 9 miles today and am feeling great
it is 19 degrees but it looks heavenly outside, these are the moments when I tell them Heavenly Father is tricking us, put on your coats.
I love my life. I am getting to the point where I love every part of it, even my pant size, not there yet, but getting more comfortable with me. This is HUGE, I am getting there guys.
Also, I am not a reader, but I have managed since August to:
start and finish all four books of the Twilight series. I know right.
start and finish the first two books of the Hunger Games, and am currently on the third.
we have started to read the Book of Mormon as a FAMILY and we are in Alma.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Running, fantasitc!!

Soooo, on the last day of break for the kiddos, we took it easy. We watched football, ate pizza, got hair cuts, and just relaxed. This weekend I taught the kids chinese checkers, slap jack, and uno. It was a lot of fun, and they love them. They want to play them all of the time.
We don't have any video games or anything like that, so we have family fun time, the old fashioned way. I don't want them in the house and have them obsess over them and then have zombies for kids. I will get them when they are older, but for now, all the games can wait until they are begging me for them. Who knows, maybe that will be sooner than later.
I heard of a good idea though yesterday getting my hair cut- thanks Julie. Let them play for however minutes they read or do homework! Awesome idea..I hope to remember that.
Anyway on to the title of the post. I felt like going for a run yesterday, and the kids wanted to come. I grabbed the stroller, and to my surprise they grabbed their running clothes, and running shoes. I was too excited. We ran for a mile and a half, it took 16 minutes without breaks except for lights of course, they are fast little runners, and just too fun. I hope they will always be my running partners. I loved it, probably one of my favorite memories with them.
I am afraid that they will be faster than me soon though, they will need a better coach soon. I wonder how early is too early for cross country. I would love to watch little kids running....such a healthy thing to do.
They are signed up for a mile run in may, they will do great.
Biggest Loser starts tonight....I am a little excited for it.