Tuesday, June 28, 2011

9 years!

Today Mike and i celebrate 9 years together being married. We cannot believe it has been this long, and that it hasn't been longer....does that even make sense? Together we have grown up, raised 2 awesome kids, and have become a fun family. Sure, we have our ups and downs but who doesn't. I have some hard days with the kids, and with all the STRESS that comes with life....but who doesn't. I love my family and wouldn't know what to do without them.
I was explaining to Ryker and Hailey that Mike and I were married in the LDS Bountiful Temple, and that we are a forever family, and Ryker came and hugged me, and so sweetly said, "thanks mom." Ryker always asks about death and when he dies are we going to get another Ryker, and if I would miss him....well, I would miss my family and we could not replace anyone, but we have the knowledge that we GET to be together forever. It is soooo nice and wonderful knowing that.
Today I want to be a mom and a wife, not an exerciser, not an individual, just who I have become these last 9 years, and 5 years of being a mommy. I am living the dream that I have always wanted.
Please tell me, what do I have to complain about. This is really a good life!
(If you haven't heard that song, you should, it's by One Republic, I play it often as a good reminder.)
I LOVE YOU MIC!! Thanks for all of your hard work, so that I can stay home,and have the best life, EVER!!!
ps along with 9 years comes some awesome alter names.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Here comes the Sun!!!

We have had sun lately, and it has been sooooo great. We have spent a lot of time outside and can't wait to bring out the swim stuff. The kids start swim lessons tonight and it is just in time, we did get summer weather this year,(I had my doubts) and so we will be able to go to the pools and SWIM!!!
We planted a garden, and with all the crazy weather who knows what will grow, and live. I think our cucumbers are already gone. I have hopes that our tomatoes will still grow but really who knows. I think that our peas will make it....oh, it was fun planting and weeding the garden, anyway. It teaches the kids, right?
So, I think that I have talked too much about me and my problems on this blog, so today I am going to talk about progress and solutions.
Really, things are going great, probably the best ever, actually!! I have done really well. I have been going to the doctor, and he said that he had seen progress and that he recommended some counseling with an eating disorder counselor. Well, I didn't want to do counseling alone. So, I had gone to a couple of eating disorder groups, with the 12 step program that my church puts out.(LDS) It has been amazing, and I feel that I have come thru a lot of the "core" of the problem. I think that addiction is addiction and that even if the topic is not the addiction you are working with you still can be healed, it is pretty amazing how it works. So, the class is every week here, and in some areas every day. It has been so great to see that others are being healed and getting over their addictions and not getting stuck, it is great to have the atonement working in your life. I encourage anyone who is having a problem, whether you feel that it is an addiction or not, these classes have the spirit, and they work wonders. My mom has been going with me up here, and it is for supporters of people with addictions too, really this program helps all of us.
I don't know why I felt to put this in my blog, I just know that it is working for me, I am a believer. These classes help me see me and anyone that is in my life the way our Heavenly Father and Jesus see us. We need to be gentle with ourselves, and others. I have always tried my best to be gentle with others, but I have had a hard time loving myself, and thinking I don't deserve things. Well, my attitude is changing, and I feel that I am deserving of things and that I am a nice person. I feel like I am being cocky but really it has been a week, that I look in the mirror and think wow, you are pretty, guys, this has never happened...
I feel that I have made big progress, and you can too, we all tend to hide our problems really well. Tell people about it and share with your friends and family and you will feel soooo much better. I do.
I hope someday to go to a store and try on a pair of levis and not be scared to buy them, and not be worried about the size.....I will, the Lord will help me....hopefully soon.
Thanks for all of your comments and support. I am a different person, a lot happier and easier going.