For this story you will need a little background. Hailey asked me what Ryker had when I was changing his diaper a long time ago, Ryker was maybe 2 months old. Well, I being honest,said he has a penis. She said a penis, well what do I have? I said you have a vagina. She now calls it agina, and penis. Well we were at church and she had her baby, mind you this was Rykers debut at church, she was waiting for the bread and water, and turns to Mike and says my baby has a penis, he is a boy. Mike says no Hailey, and she looks at it and says oh yeah, she has a agina. The people were in back of us just laughing, too bad I didn't hear it. She is pretty funny, she tells me when she sees a boy or a girl, what they have, and I can't help but laugh.
Hailey has been doing great this month with the whole potty thing. She even is doing great at night. Mike hates it, she gets up at 3:00 like on the dot every night to go potty and calls him to help her wipe! It makes me smile inside. (is that evil)
Anyway, this is what I walked in on today. Hailey said that she needed to go potty and so I said I will change Ryker and come in and help you wipe. So I go in, and laugh, she has the seat up, shorts and panties still on, and she is standing looking down, hands in position to hold her "stuff." I quickly corrected that behavior and asked her where she learned that. And she said that is what Daddy doos! It made me laugh, and I told her well we are not like daddy.
Kids do the funniest things. I am sorry I told her the correct names, she is only almost 3, I have created a monster!

That is off the hook... I needed a good laugh.
HAHA! That cracks me up! I am quickly learning that anything I say or do is going to be blurted out in public at sometime! She is so cute!
That first comment was from Brent. That pictures is so dang funny! I still can't believe she knows the terminology! Kenna calls Gavin's his JJ still... she is so funny and we need to get the girls together again!
Hey! thanks for the comments. It is so great to be by family, they are the best. I loved the story. That was probably soooo embarassing! I hope you are doing good in Utah
Oh my gosh... that is too funny. That Hailey girl is getting so big. We miss you guys!!
Hey whats your email address so i can add you to my blog, i sold out and went private:) Gotta give you my new blog address and all that good stuff. Hope things are going great for ya!!
I love it. Kids say whatever whenever don't they. Jersie used to call it a tail. We love having you guys around so that we can get to know you. Mike sorry about your grandma. We have dealt with death a few times and it is hard but it does get better. Best wishes.
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