We have been busy!
Swimming, going places, volleyball, plenty of late nights, and trying to keep up on mom homework! Oh, and a few play dates too.
My health has been better, not great. I am still tired a lot, and fighting to keep my platelets up. I don't have a lot of energy, and they suspect rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus too, but I am focused on the blood for now. I am uncomfortable most of the time, but I try to ignore that. I am trying to workout more, but running is sadly not a part of my life right now. I am trying to be a good mom,and save my energy for them. I do the house work and the laundry, and I also do all the yard work. I am glad I can still hug and bend down to play with the kiddos each day!
We just celebrated twelve years of marriage, and we have a few trips planned. Before we know it kids will be in school, man I have gotta do more with them.