Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hailey is Eight!!!!!

I cannot believe she is eight! I truly live by, moments are long years are short motto. I love her more than anything. I hope she had a fun birthday. We had a party yesterday, with her ten closest friends, and the microphone, and her very own playlist. Wow, that was fun. We had snowcones, and cupcakes, and a lot of screaming, the good kind. :)
Today, I took her class some treats, and got to brag about her......then by her teachers suggestion, I took her to lunch.
Tonight we took her to her favorite, Chick Fil A! I had a lot of laughs with her today, and a lot of one on one moments, mommys favorite! I hope she had a great day!

8 things about Hailey: (everything duh!!!!)

She loves to dance and sing
She includes everyone
She is very nice
She is loving
She is caring
She always is wondering what is going on with people
She is the best
She is the one that made me a mommy, that is really special to me, and so is my Hailey Baby!!!!

                                                     Happy Birthday. Eight will be so great!!!!!