Today was an EPIC day, for all people who worry just a little bit more than average.
Hailey started kindergarten. Last night she received a blessing from her dad, and she said a prayer also, and she included, "please help mom to be brave, brave, brave, super brave," I know she is so ready and will love just every second of it but:
she rides a bus....
she is so small....
she is so sassy....
and loves attention....
and loves to talk....
she did great this morning. She got talking to some of the primary kids on the bus and they are the 5th and 6th graders on the bus, and got on with them. Not before a hug though, Ryker gave her the sweetest big hug too. They held hands the entire way to the bus stop, and of course had their backpacks, both of them. I think Ryker thought he was going to go too.
So, I talked with the bus driver and asked him what the drop off directions were, and asked if I could see where she ended up. All the rest of the kindergartners were at the front, not my Hailey, in the middle of the bus, with two older kids on each side of her. I took a picture, and she said, "mom, why are you on the bus, seriously?"
I laughed and got off the bus, and took Ryker for a run, we were talking the whole time, he was squirting me with the squirt gun, and told me the way to go, something that he never gets to do, and he got us back home.
He and I have never had this time before, just us. I have loved being at home with my kids, and this half day kindergarten is going to be so great for her, and I have to believe it will be good for all of us.
Today I will wear my brave panties, all while praying to Heavenly Father with gratitude that I didn't cry my eyes out, and to please watch over her, because I can't.
Does it ever get any easier, parents with older kids?